
How to clean your Golf Clubs

How To clean your Golf Clubs?

Golf Clubs are like the Warriors SWORD... It must be maintained, Repaired, Cleaned and Protected as its the Pride and Joy Of all Golfers....

With its prestigeous records of the many battles it has been into, these clubs are sliced, splattered, dented, slammed on by balls, muds, etc.. you name them...

Though made to be Rigid, Strong and Rugged... These clubs still bear the War Marks of the hardship through battle and at the end of the day, we golfers clean them, nurse them and prepare them for the next battle.. Stronger and Tougher then before.....

On the Green....

Usually after we use our clubs, we should clean them with a soft dry cloth, dust away the mud and sand, cover them with the club covers and place them back into their holders....

The faster you clean away any signs of water and mud, the better you could prevent the ultimate disaster of rusting.

No matter if its made of Titanium , copper or what-so-ever hardy metal. Rusting will still occur at the Right Conditions... In the event of a scratch on a metal surface, rusting could occur to the base metal at the exposure to air and water. It is better to protect it first.....

At Home....

I could imagine you coming home from a game that started at dawn...

You are tired... Sleepy... Dirty... and thristing for a Icy Cold Beer....

You drive into your car porch.... Unload your Bags.. and leave everything at the front porch... Head on inside for a good cold drink and a refreshing shower.... There you go.. going by your daily cleaning rituals and lay on your bed to relax...

While you are doing all that.... your pride and you joy is sitting by the porch in its dirty bag, yearned to be cleaned and smoothed on the enriching protection creme that will keep it in tip top conditions and make sure it goes a long way with you...

Besides cleaning the easy removing stains like mud and sand off your clubs, how should you remove the TOUGH Ones?

Things you'll need:
  1. Steel Wool
  2. Wired Brushes
  3. Hard Bristled Toothbrush
  4. Golf Club Cleaners
  5. Sand Paper
Here's how to clean those record-breaking divots off your irons:

Step 1: Rub rust off metal clubs with fine steel wool.

Step 2: Remove golf ball marks, mat marks and grass stains with golf club cleaner (found at golf shops).

Step 3: Clean out grooves by scrubbing them with water and a hard-bristled toothbrush. Dry your clubs immediately after cleaning them.

Step 4: Wash leather grips with saddle soap.

Heres How to Regrip you Golf Clubs:

A golf club grip is designed to give your club a precise, sure feel grip. As a grip rubber ages, it hardens and becomes smooth and sometimes sandy as the rubber disintegrates. A new grip will restore your club's performance. Many people send their clubs to a shop for regripping unlike tennis and squash racquets. However, you can do the job yourself and take pride in personalizing your equipment.

Step 1: Remove the club's grip, with a knife if need be. Remove any tape that remains on the shaft, and clean any tape residue using grip solvent such as (ZIPPO or Nail Polish Removal) and a piece of unwanted cloth.

Step 2: Allow it to dry completely and wrap double-sided tape around the shaft, from the end to the point where the grip will stop.

Step 3: Fill the little hole at the end of the new grip with a golf tee. Pour solvent into the open end of the grip. Cover the open end with your thumb and shake it to distribute the solvent.

Step 4: Pour the solvent onto the taped area of the shaft, and slide the new grip onto the club (see B). Remove the golf tee from the end

Step 5: Make sure the grip is properly aligned. Let the grip dry for 6 to 10 hours.

The Article is written with references from: http://www.ehow.com/
For more information please look into http://www.ehow.com/

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