
About a Passionate Golfer

Eagle Swing Golf Blog is created to pen down electronically the past, present and the future of my passion for golf and the works that follows this passion.

It archives information about how I come about discovering my golfing passion as well as my golfing experiences. I would also include great activities and the memorable times I have with my golf pals from the last decade and the decades before that.

With that passion also comes innovation. Being inherent with the great gift in designing, I cannot but have to develop some great solutions and ideas to combat the inconveniences and difficulties I faced while Golfing. I would also like to share these great solutions with all my beloved friends and others that shares the same passion in golfing as I do.

Being passionate is a wierd thing. Perhaps you may agree with me that sometimes your family and friends around you would not understand why you are so absorbed in watching golf on tv or just couldn't walk out of the golf department at SOGO. I should say that its like a woman having to consider if she should buy that pair of lovely shoes and can't help finding reasons to walk pass the shop too frequent or perhaps just the child wanting that toy so much that he can't stop nagging at his parents to agree to buy one for him.

PASSION I should say is a mixture Excitement, Desire, Addiction and a little bit of LUST. Its a kind of thirst for more of the excitement that the sport brings, be it walking the 18 holes or even just spending time talking and enjoying the company of your friends and of course the after sport activities. The desire to experience the thrill of a Birdie, Eagle or even the Hole in one. The addiction of using great golf clubs and chic accessories that heightens the entire golfing adventure not forgetting great stories and jokes to share among ourselves. And Perhaps also unstoppable Lust to have better accessories and methods for continual improvement of Skill and Results.

As Val Doonican Quoted "Golf is like an 18-year-old girl with big boobs. You know it's wrong but you can't keep away from her."

Yes... We golfer just can't stop ourselves.

Some Images are taken from http://angiejordan.blogspot.com and http://geoffhassing.blogspot.com


Do we REALLY need golf accessories?

Isn't a proper set of good golf clubs expensive enough?

Why go through the hassle of having gloves, proper guards, chic divots or even that extra huge, bulky umbrella!

What more.... Do we need to develop specific products just for golfing. Let me give you an example. You can use a household dining fork as a divot. Not hardy enough? Try the BarBeQue Fork.. I believe we can also use the gardening fork if you need a even more HARDY one.

Why use special markers.. when you can use coins... Yar.. well you might get a pocket full of MUD... But who cares.... Its FREE and You have many in your pocket..... If you have no dimes, use a dollar note instead... or find a HUGE ROCK to place on top of your Note.... By the way.... your wife does the laundry.. WHY CARE if you dirty your pants or have a pocket full of muddy coins?

Huge Umbrellas are also a waste of time... So what if it looks good and have excessive coverage.. Do we need such a huge umbrella in the first place? You're doing a sport... So its OKAY to get a tan or have yourself drenched by the rain from the long walk on the golf course.....

And whats with the golf ball pouches..... Just put them in your pocket.. I mean the girls would definitely love to see a man with a HUGE POCKET...... or just place them in one of the many pockets on your golf bags.... Well perhaps your golf pals might get irritated from you taking too much time finding your balls..... You might even get free balls instead...

Perhaps Its really not that important to even cover your clubs after using them... Its OKAY if they rust and are splattered with mud. They definitely look USED and your wife will not complain to you for buying a white elephant. I mean a set of dirty golf clubs do justify you of buying a new set next Christmas. I should say its like a warrior with worn out swords.... they do kill but perhaps not as well as before....

Why worry if your clubs may not perform as well as when you just bought them. I mean if your skill is improving everytime you play.. By the time your clubs looks tattered and grossly dirty, you should more or less be quite good already.....

The question here is.... Do we really need golf accessories?

Why we need these golf accessories?

DO they actually really matter?

If they do matter... Which areas do they affect.........................

This is really something for me to ponder on...........

Dreaming the Dream

Fifty years ago, 100 white men chasing one black man across a field was called the Ku Klux Klan. Today it's called the PGA Tour - Author Unknown

If I were to think back, golfing started from a small round looking multicoloured glass ball, in which is what many called the marble. Being borned in a family with great japanese influence, I am always intrigued with the shapes, colours and the texture of things and not long after, I was introduced to the golf ball. A small round ball which unlike other balls have got little grooves around them, heavy for its size and do not bounce. It sparked my interest unknowingly and with the help of my good friend's powerful uncle, I was then slowly introduced to the golf course as well as the T-ing Off. The interest grew stronger stronger and in my later teenage years, i started fixing my own golf clubs and there I assembled my first set of Clubs, complete with Woods and Irons. With the gifting in designing, I starting drawing my concepts of golf equipment and golfing accessories and who knows what it becomes of today....

As I grew, got married, have kids and worked hard, I have been making sure that I would be consistently being exposed to the wonderful sport and this has never once dampened my social, work and family life. My passion grew and grew till one day playing golf can never suffice my appetite and I slowly started to develop solutions for the issues i face while golfing, aiming to make my play more pleasurable and secretly hoping to impress my golfing pal with my new innovations.

These innovative solutions became so popular that my golfing buddies would want one for themselves and for their other pals. Before I knew it, I was already half way to setting up my own mobile golf stall. Since then, I have decided to pursue passion and career together. Not long after i set up my own company and range of products.

Being the son of a famous shoe maker, my first job was also related to shoes and being in this job has allowed me to be more exposed to the world and the world beyond that. After which, has a positive impact for me when i switch over to working for myself. The exposure and friends that I have made definitely made things much easier and enjoyable.

As my forte is in the neoprene material and its products, I had also worked with a friend to start a wet suit / diving suit manufacturing factory. Though not my passion, this phase has taught me more then ever. It gives me great exposure in selling my OWN PRODUCTs as well as exhibiting them overseas. This has also sparked off a great series of innovative neoprene accessories that I created for ease and professionalism.

One range becomes two and the list goes on and on and suddenly it dawned upon me that I have now a good range of sporting goods. It is not until long afterwards that I realised that I am at the moment living my dream and working my passion and doing it well. It was really the time of my life.

If anybody were to ask me WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP?